Recording Rules Amended: SGA Genboard Round-Up 2/5

Luke Young


Managing Editor


Returning to their regularly scheduled programming, SGA held their first meeting of the semester on Monday the 6th of February. This meeting resumed their pattern of hosting Genboard meetings in the Student Senate room, or HUB room 119, at 7pm.

After reintroducing their members, SGA moved quickly into reports. Jonah Rosenberg, USSB Representative, announced that an interfaith event would be taking place this spring, and would be open to those of all religions. He also spoke on an initiative from Reslife to reduce vandalism, as well as an update on the Blue Phone project, which will release a data report soon. 

Devonte Gilmore, Student Body President, was proud to announce that 455 ski-day tickets have already been distributed, and that members of SGA will continue to table for ticket sales. Gilmore also reminded the room that Juniors and Seniors are eligible to buy parking passes for the mountains, while underclassmen must bus over or carpool with an upperclassman who has a pass. 

Jessica Dutille, SGA Advisor, informed the room that PSU President Donald Birx would like SGA to invite New Hampshire state senators to attend an SGA meeting. She also said members of the community should share their vision for the masterplan of PSU in two ways: through the community mapping site or an open session on February 15th, 2:30 to 4 in the Hage room. 

Melina Baker, SGA’s other advisor, announced plans for next week’s Winter Carnival, which will include a super bowl party, a rated-r hypnotist, bingo for Bruins tickets, a silent disco, a comedian, and ski day. SGA Speaker Will Loughlin announced he is working on a bylaw rewrite that would change SGA’s name back to Student Senate in order to be on par with the rest of the USNH system. UNH and Keene have student senates, and the only reason for the difference in name was a national association that was “never utilized or gave support.”

Next up was the Pre-Law club to present their case for recognition. Edgar Conroy, president of Pre-Law club, began with an introduction of his fellow members, including VP Jade LeBlanc and member Sebastian Daly. The proposed purpose of Pre-Law club is “to study for the LSAT and prepare for law school.” They plan to meet once or twice a month, or as needed as the deadline for the LSAT grows closer. This club is open to any student to join, as the study of law, “encapsulates all industries.” The club existed previously at Plymouth State, but after their previous president graduated, the club fell apart. Following some discussion, the club was approved unanimously.

A bylaw change, proposed by Gilmore, sought to change SGA policy to expressly allow recording of public meetings and to implement a method by which SGA could record the meeting themselves. Their trial method would be a comment-free livestream from the SGA Instagram account, which would be backed-up in their Reels tab and posted to another, accessible place. The proposition also clarifies to whom SGA meetings are open: the campus community, including commuters and those living off campus. Minutes will still be taken, but the livestream would serve as the official recording of SGA. This motion also passed unopposed, with Gilmore abstaining. 

Emily Coutermarsh began the constituent concerns this week, stating that she is working on an attempt to pay the senior class social work cohort in order to set precedent moving forward. Daniela Duque, IDEA Center representative, spoke onthe IDEA Center’s Black History Month events, including a few impromptu TED talk screenings and a speaker. Gilmore announced that elections will be held for vacancies in class councils soon, and that the open positions areas follows:

Class of ‘27: None.

Class of ‘26: Secretary, At-Large Rep, At-Large Rep.

Class of ‘25: Treasurer, Secretary, At-Large Rep.

Class of ‘24: Secretary, At-Large Rep, At-Large Rep, At-Large Rep.

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