SGA Genboard Round-Up 11/27

Luke Young


Managing Editor


This week’s SGA meeting was conducted similarly to normal, despite being in an alternative location. The meeting was held in Center Lodge, as opposed to their usual location of HUB room 119. A sign was posted on the door to inform any interested parties of the change, as the Angel Tree Project reserved the space first.

After introductions by the members of SGA, Editor-In-Chief of The Clock – Jacob Downey – announced that he would be recording the meeting, which derailed the meeting for about an hour. SGA elected to hold three 5-minute recesses which were extended to accommodate the requested arrival of PSU President Donald Birx. In the meantime, members of SGA and their faculty advisor Jessica Dutille spoke with Downey about the laws surrounding recording individuals at meetings, and whether these meetings allowed reasonable expectation of privacy by being open to the campus community. After Birx’s arrival, he and Downey had a brief discussion and scheduled a meeting for Nov. 28th.

Since the meeting was disrupted, the three resolutions to be voted on that night were postponed to SGA’s next meeting on Dec. 4th. These resolutions included one to “Enhance Advertisement Intitiatives for On-Campus Employment,” one for “Enforcing Anti-Littering Policies for a Cleaner and Healthier Campus,” and one presented by supposed Class of ‘25 member at large, Will Hicking, for the “Institution of a Daily Women’s Power Hour.” With the limited time left, SGA decided to move on to a club presentation.

CRU, the Campus Crusade for Christ, presented to become an on-campus organization, with their president Hicking and vice-president Conner Ehmann speaking to SGA. The group is an interdenominational organization for students seeking to learn more about Christ. The purpose of the club is to share, discuss, and celebrate the word of Christ and Hicking and Ehman are seeking to reinstate the club to its pre-covid operations. They are still ironing out a day and place for the meeting, but seem to be certain that meetings will be held from 7-8PM. To contact the club, email Hicking or Ehmann. The club was approved by SGA, though four individuals abstained from the vote, including Hicking.

The minutes of two weeks ago were approved, and the meeting ended at 8:17 with not much accomplished.

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