SSF Serves PSU Pasta at Community Cupboard Open House
Lily Stone
Located in HUB 118, the Community Cupboard is a base for the Student Support Foundation to store donated food for Panthers in need. On Wednesday, Oct. 18 they had their open house, giving students the ability to view the space and learn more about SSF and the work they do while enjoying a prize wheel and mac and cheese bar. The goal for the event was “…to raise awareness of the community cupboard both as a resource on campus and to decrease the stigma of using a resource like this to get used to and comfy with the space” President Victoria Lask stated.
“I think this event was good for helping students know the resources they have here and feel more welcome in coming to the cupboard,” said one student in attendance. “I enjoyed the Mac and cheese and learning about the [work] the student support foundation does for the PSU community. I wish I knew a while back when I couldn’t afford some of my textbooks. Knowing that they can help with those aspects of expenses is really helpful” said another.
Lask has been part of SSF for the duration of her time at PSU, stating “I got involved because one of my best friends was very involved in it and I was super involved in high school and wanted to get involved again. I asked to help out and from there, it was a love for me.”
Amber LaTraverse who joined earlier this year, said. “I saw it at the club fair and thought the whole idea was fulfilling. Knowing what others go through and being able to help provide resources for students is really comforting”

The event caught the eyes of many students, faculty, and staff as well. Future events include Swipe-it Forward, where from November 14th to the 22nd students with a meal plan can donate some extra swipes to students who don’t have to access them.
If you are looking to join a club that is involved in helping the community and providing resources for students in need, check out their meetings Tuesday at 6 in the Office of Community Impact, HUB 039. SSF can additionally be found on Instagram at @psu_ssf.