Tenney Mountain shreds student doubts for awesome Ski Day ’24

Kay Bailey


Print Editor


After spending 1.25 million on snow-improvements with 30 million more worth of renovations on the way, Tenney was excited to re-open its doors to host Ski Day 2024. Its close proximity, 5-dollar lift tickets for students, and personal shuttle bus to and from campus all speak to their eagerness to have us on the mountain.

Students, however, were less excited about the change in location.

Tenney is a noticeably smaller mountain than Cannon, where Ski Day usually takes place.  Where Cannon has multiple lodges, a variety of food and drink options, and countless rentals; Tenny has one lodge for it all and only two chair lifts to bring you up to the trails. 

PSU also only had about 300 parking passes available for purchase. According to Director of Student Life Jess Dutile, 1400 students were expected to arrive at the mountain. 

Before Ski Day even began, avid skier Emily Roy ‘24 shared she was hesitant about the switch, emphasizing concerns about the capacity of students Tenney would be able to facilitate. Even with carpooling and coach buses running back and forth between campus, it was unclear whether Tenney could support 1400 students, even more so 1400 rowdy Plymouth Staters. Roy was more optimistic than some, “excited to see if Tenney has something different to offer us.”

“It being so close to campus is a really huge deal.” shared Clock columnist and adventure man Logan Winny ‘24 ”The worst part is the 15-minute lift time to get up to the top. But overall I think the skiing is pretty decent, everyone is having a great time, it’s a lot more lowkey and easier to manage than Cannon for sure.”

In the lodge at the base of the mountain, Panther Seat was able to supply students with free drinks and snacks, something they were unable to do at Cannon in the past. Sponsorships with Celcius and Rockstar gave students more than enough energy to keep going on the mountain. Local businesses had a presence as well, passing out gift cards and coupons to our skiers and snowboarders. Everyone was really excited to bring this day back to Tenney, where it had originally been held decades ago.

Photo by Kay Bailey

If the tailgating scene was anything to go by, students were doing just as excited by the new location. Music was blaring, sausages, burgers, at least a few kebabs were grilled up, and no one was without a drink (of some sort) in their hand. While last year Cannon was quick to shut down any sort of tailgating party, for better or for worse, Tenney let the party carry on.

Dan Harrison ‘24, of the PSU ski team, sums up the day best,, “Everyone’s just here to have a good time. No one’s here to like, shit on someone’s parade. Everyone’s just here to have fun, enjoy the outdoor vibes of Plymouth State, and be with friends.”

While Harrison showed his enthusiasm for the stress-free day by skiing down the mountain in a speedo, other students wore unique costumes of their own. Pickle, hotdog, and banana costumes could be easily pointed out from the lifts, as well as a noticeable pair of skiers wearing full suits, pointing out that “It’s strictly business on ski day… you never know when you got an offer coming.”

At the end of the day, Panthers are looking for a place where we can have that resounding sense of community, a lowkey time to be ourselves, have fun, and enjoy all that Plymouth has to offer us if we let it. Ski Day at Tenney Mountain was without a doubt a day filled with good times and good people.

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