The “season-between-seasons” leaves the outdoorsmen longing for clarity

Logan Winny




Whether to ski or to hike, snowboard or camp, snowshoe or mountain bike, The heart of an outdoorsman longs for clarification. The season-between-seasons grows longer and more confusing this year. Our beloved New Hampshire is known for being indecisive about which activities it chooses to allow and when. 

Many of us are at a loss as none of the usual activities are perfectly available. Sure, you can ski on mashed potatoes in a t-shirt, hike in frozen mud-snow, or you can sit inside, drink your IPA, and wait for the weather to change yet again. With questionable weather comes the questionable level of responsibility in deciding how to spend your early-spring days. These coming weeks provide the perfect opportunity to prepare yourself for this spring and summer. 

Dust of your canoe, switch roof racks on the Subaru, and go through your overnight pack that you left full last year. Personally, I am ready for spring activities and have made my peace with the end of the snow season. After not one, but two late snowfalls I may have been preemptive in my decision to bid the snow and skiing, farewell. I find myself spending most of my time wondering what I should do instead of letting the weather dictate that for me.

“I believe this is that time of year where we all want to get out there and get back into spring and summer antics. It is obviously difficult when the weather is back and forth but for me it has given me time to reflect and get ready for great weather” fellow outdoorsman Victoria McDuffee laments. “I live here year-round and have always found ways to still get out considering the in-between seasons.” She goes on to speak about her love of getting outside even if it is just to read a book with a beer on a 60-degree day.

“Mud season puts many of us at a bit of a loss in terms of what to do. I do think it’s a perfect time to look back on a good season which for me usually means taking advantage of ski mountain closures to hike up and be the last to ski down some of my favorite trails before the snows fully gone” Sarah Gifford provides. Her positive outlook on the changing season gives her time to go out and try new sports both inside and outside. “Take the outdoor center up on equipment rentals such as paddle boards or kayaks or try out something indoors such as the climbing wall.” 

Our fellow PSU students are experiencing the same fate as we are in the face of this in-between time. If any of my fellow outdoor adventure seekers have answers, a few lost souls could use the guidance.

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