TIGER Held their Auditions on Wednesday, Here’s What You Should Know

Luke Harding 
For ‘The Clock’

TIGER is a dramatic performance group that is partnered with Plymouth State University. The group looks to utilize drama as a means of social justice and humanitarian work particularly for children. This group uses the anonymous works of children for their productions, allowing those affected by bullying and intolerance to express their thoughts and emotions without having to attach their names to the projects. While the group took a hiatus from touring due to the Coronavirus pandemic, TIGER looks to resume in-person performances for the 2021-2022 academic year. The auditions held on Wednesday were for recruiting members for these performances.

       Instead of in-person performances this year, the group utilized a program called Turbo TIGER, an e-learning program for students. This program is designed for students K-5 to learn and grow as individuals, fighting back against bullying and intolerance within schools. The program’s name is an acronym: T – Team Up Together; I – Inspire Greatness; G – Get Grit; E – Engage Every Day; R – Respect Yourself and Others. 

The name itself embodies the message that the group is spreading, as they look to combat unfair treatment and bullying. This Emmy-winning program invites Plymouth State University students to participate in their program as they make their attempt to return to in-person performances this fall. 

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