Week 7 Super Bowl Prediction

Tristan Coomber




In response to “Football season is over. Who will win Superbowl LIX?” on The Clock by Marc Tavernese; where he decided to make Superbowl predictions based on last year’s teams’ performance, I decided to correct his predictions with knowledge gained from watching the first seven weeks of the season.  

Some solid choices were made and I even partially agree with some of the statements  made, but the biggest change I’d make is taking the Baltimore Ravens out of the running. The Ravens are a strong team, but never seem to go the distance. They don’t have the ability to perform at 110% in the playoffs like other teams do. I truly believe we’ll see another failed playoff appearance by the Ravens, probably losing to a team who dominates in the off-season like the Kansas City Chiefs. 

NFC Finalist 

Marc also placed the Lions as the NFC champions and called it a reach of a prediction. I actually  believe this wasn’t much of a reach especially after watching them play this past seven weeks.  The Lions right now are 5-1 and top of their division above the Vikings who were undefeated  until they played the Lions this weekend. The Lions have been dominating teams putting up 40+  points in multiple games this season. The team functions extremely well together and play well  under pressure. Last year’s NFC championship game was a 31-34 loss against the 49ers and I  believe they’ll make their way back this year and win this time. 

AFC Finalist 

This is the obvious and boring pick, but the clear winner of the AFC division would be the  Kansas City Chiefs. They’ve been dominatingfor years having won three Super Bowls in five  years and won four out the five last AFC championship games. As much as I’d like to see their luck  and success dry up, they’ve gone on to win every single game this season and are the only team  left undefeated right now. I truly hope for some team like the Ravens to put a stop to the Chiefs in the playoffs, but I just don’t see it happening. The Chiefs know how to play in the playoffs  because they’ve been there so many times already. It’s comfortable for them now. I think it’s pretty  easy to say the Chiefs are going back to the Superbowl this year. 

Superbowl LIX Winner 

The Detroit Lions are going to win the Superbowl over the Kansas City Chiefs. This is what I’d  like to call a proper reach of a prediction. Statistically the Lions shouldn’t win, but they are  electric this year. They have so much energy and having never won a Superbowl ever, if they  make it there for the first time, there won’t be anyone to stop them from winning. It will  definitely be a hard-fought battle, but I think the Lions will come out on top showing their desperation to win the first ever title for their franchise.

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