Students During Giving Week

Having two daughters 16 months apart, Lena Warner’s parents couldn’t afford to pay for college for both without going into major debt.  

Hayley Neilson ’25 was raised by a single mom. Her father’s new family had many children so affording higher education just wasn’t in the cards. 

Warner ’23 and Neilson are just two of numerous cases throughout the Plymouth State University campus where if there wasn’t assistance, attending in the first place, or continuing their education, would be nearly impossible. 

The week of March 13–19 is Giving Week at PSU, where staff and faculty, alumni, students, and friends are invited donate.  

Warner, a communication and media studies major from Littleton, MA, has received the Aspire Scholarship ($3,750 per semester) every year and the Plymouth State Alumni Association Scholarship ($2,000 per semester) during her senior year. Neilson was also a Plymouth State Alumni Association Scholarship recipient this year. 

“Getting the Aspire Scholarship helped me to be able to come here,” Warner says. “If I didn’t have these two scholarships, I would have been in rough shape graduating in May.” 

Both students know first-hand the generosity of those who donate. Warner works in University Advancement as a supervisor in the donor calling program. She makes calls herself and has also written transcripts for others to use during Giving Week. Neilson, a nursing major from Manchester, NH, works in the Holmes Alumni House, where she also makes calls to potential donors. 

“I am extremely appreciative of the donors during Giving Week, and I make sure to say that when I speak to them,” says Neilson. “It’s so amazing that they give back to the school. Even those who don’t have a connection to the school are still donating.” 

Two of the major beneficiaries are the Plymouth Opportunity Scholarship Angel Fund and the Fund for Plymouth State, scholarships set up to assist deserving students. 

The Plymouth Opportunity Scholarship Angel Fund was started by Director of Development John Scheinman P’19, P’21G and his wife, Susan, in 2017. It assists students who otherwise may have to leave the school due to being unable to pay for their tuition. More than $320,000 has been distributed to 130 students since its inception. 

“I was on an e-mail chain with the vice president at the time, the financial aid director, and the admissions director, and we needed to find funds for students who had exhausted their loans, didn’t have financial resources available to them, and their family did not have money to support them,” John Scheinman says. “They needed scholarships to finish their education. That’s when my wife and I pledged to start the Plymouth Opportunity Scholarship Angel Fund.” 

“This Angel Fund has made a substantial difference in the lives of our students with the most need, allowing many to reach graduation,” says Mac Broderick, director, student financial services. “We are grateful to the donors of this critical fund because it is often a student’s saving grace.” 

With 25 percent of PSU students classified as having high financial need, and 90 percent receiving some financial aid, Giving Week donations also help add to the Fund for Plymouth State, which provides student scholarships and funds other initiatives. 

Last year 600 people contributed $240,000 during PSU’s Giving Week. The goals in 2023 are 750 donors and $300,000. For more information, please visit the Giving Week 2023 website
