Up here, you’ll make your future a masterpiece.
At Plymouth State, you’ll receive a high-quality education with the high quality of life to match. Whether you’re new to PSU or the HUB is already your second home, this is the place to find the information you need to make your time at Plymouth State truly exceptional.
Explore the academic resources that are available, like advising and career services. Get advice on how you can finance your degree. Find ways to explore your passions and get involved. And get to know your campus and community so that no opportunity to live, learn, and explore is lost.
Residential Life and Dining Services
Health & Safety
Office of the Registrar (Registration, Transcripts, etc.)
Student Life
Frost House Student Services (CARE Form)
Counseling Center
University Police
Student Consumer Information
Academic Catalog
Tips for Academic Success
Being a student is a full-time job! This is your education, and we do not want you to look back during your senior year and say, “I wish I would have, or I wish I could have, or I should have.” Make the most of your education while you are here. Below are some tips for the best ways to make that happen.
Student Success Guide
This Student Success Guide was designed to serve as a resource for prospective and current students, members of a student’s off-campus support network, faculty, staff, and alumni. This tool acts as a companion guide to the PSU website by reviewing information that can support a student in their pursuit for success and provides the rationale as to why it is important to be an engaged and informed member of one’s community. Take some time to thoroughly explore this self-guided road map throughout your PSU journey by clicking the different tabs below!
In order to know where we’re going, it is important for us to know where we have been. As PSU changes higher education in New Hampshire and beyond by transforming to an integrated, interdisciplinary, cluster-based model, we cannot forget that our roots lie in teaching and preparing students to be active, influential citizens in the world around them.
To learn more about our history and its evolution from the Holmes Plymouth Academy (1808), Plymouth Normal School (1871), Plymouth Teachers College (1939), and Plymouth State College to Plymouth State University (2003), visit the Spinelli Archives in Lamson Library.
To more fully understand where PSU is going and how we are getting there, you can find the most up-to-date information regarding the transformative steps.
From the moment you step on-campus as a Plymouth Statue University student, you are a member of welcoming community that extends far beyond the town lines of Plymouth, NH – you are part of the panther family. Being a panther means getting involved, giving back, and experiencing all that life has to offer. This is your introduction to the “Panther Way.”
Panthers Engage Outside of the Classroom
Did you know PSU has about 120+ active student clubs and organizations and a large Student Government Association, including class officers? There is also a Student Activities Fair held during the first week of every semester, so don’t miss out! Have an idea for a club that you don’t see? Don’t worry, you can easily start your own!
The Office of Student Life serves as a resource for student clubs and organizations and oversees exciting events for the campus community. Stop by their office in the HUB to learn more!
Campus Recreation, Intramural Sports, and Other Fitness Opportunities
Is moving and staying active your thing? Check out the Fitness Room in the HUB or the indoor, state-of the art track at ALLWell North for individual work-out equipment and space. Whether you have plenty of experience or none at all, everyone is welcome. The staff in the HUB Fitness room are all highly trained and can help you work your way through the Fitness Orientation Program. Do you miss playing a team sport but aren’t playing on one of the varsity teams? Grab some friends and get involved with Intramural or Club Sports!
Don’t forget, Plymouth is right in the middle of the New Hampshire Lakes Region and White Mountain National Forest, so there are endless opportunities to get outside and play! Head on over to the Outdoor Center to rent out equipment, free of charge, to help you explore the great outdoors in any season. They also coordinate adventure recreation trips and skills clinics!
Panthers Positively Contribute to the PSU Community
In order for any community to function smoothly, everyone within the community needs to understand the shared expectations and policies established to respect and uphold the rights and safety of others. Reviewing things in advanced will help you be better prepared to positively contribute to your community. Here at Plymouth State University, those expectations and policies can be found in the Student Rights and Code of Conduct. Please take some time to review all of the information on the page, paying particular attention to the following sections:
- General Student Rights
- Conduct Rules and Regulations
- Alcohol Policy
- Marijuana and Other Drugs Policy
- Sexual Misconduct Policy and Conduct Process
- PSU’s Non-Discrimination Statement:
- Plymouth State University, in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, veteran’s status or disability, in admission or access to, treatment of or employment in its programs or activities.
Your safety and ability to succeed at PSU are our top priorities, so if at any time you feel like your rights have been violated, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Dean of Student’s Office and/or the Title IX Coordinator.
Living on-campus is an unforgettable experience, and here at PSU we want to make sure you are not only sleeping and eating but also learning and growing outside of the classroom and in the Residence Halls. In order to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment for all residents, the Residential Life Lease and Policies outline the expectations of all students living in and visiting on-campus housing and/or on a meal plan. Please take the time to review the important information included prior to moving onto campus.
When asked what they would have done differently during their first year of college, many students say that they wished they had asked for help sooner when they needed extra support to be at their best. Advocating for yourself and sharing your concerns with others are some of the most important life skills you can learn, and college is the perfect environment in which to develop them.
In this section you will learn about various people and resources on-campus and in the Plymouth community who are here to aid you in being successful. Take the time to familiarize yourself with all that Plymouth has to offer and reach out as soon as you think you may need guidance so that we can work together to find solutions. At Plymouth State University everyone is willing to answer questions and lend a hand, so don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Academic Resources
Academic Advisor
You and your advisor should get to know each other. Call, e-mail and/or stop by your advisor’s office frequently. Your advisor will assist you in mapping out your semester schedule as well as creating your “Four-year plan.” In addition, you and your advisor will discuss your major, career, and life goals. Not sure how to go about coordinating internship, practicum, and project-based experiences? Yep, your academic advisor can help with that too!
You can visit ACAC for a variety of services—from helping determine what career is right for you, reviewing your resume or cover letter, learning how to best market yourself to land the career of your dreams, connecting you to alumni in your field of interest, to everything in-between.
Campus Accessibility Services
Did you have an IEP or 504 in high school? If so, you can seek similar accommodations for your classes at PSU. Perhaps you require other physical or temporary accommodations due to a diagnosis or injury? Campus Accessibility Services works with all students who need accommodations to maximize their potential while helping to develop and maintain independence through self-determination and self-advocacy.
If you have a question or thought about a class, reach out to your professors. They are the experts in their field and the classes they are teaching, so if you aren’t sure about requirements for an assignment, a grade you received, or what opportunities there are in the field after graduation, asking them is a great place to start. You can email them, stop by their office hours, chat with them before/after class – just make sure you’re communicating with them.
Global Engagement Office
Interested in studying at another institution, domestically or internationally, while at PSU? The Global Engagement Office can review all of your options with you, including short-term faculty-led trips, semester-long exchange programs, and immersive internship experiences, and also help you plan around your academic and financial needs.
ITS Helpdesk
The ITS Help Desk, located in Room room 123 of the HUB, is the single point of contact you need for Information Technology support. Whether it’s a problem you are having with your computer or a question you have about software, the ITS Help Desk staff can assist you. Often the technicians at the ITS Help Desk will be able to answer your questions and resolve your technology problems over the telephone or via email or chat. If not, you can visit them during their office hours.
PASS (Plymouth Academic Support Services) Office
The PASS Office coordinates the TRiO program as well as subject-specific and general study skills tutoring. You can stop by the PASS Office to meet with a general study skills tutor when you feel like you need help developing better time management, note-taking, and organizational skills and request an individual tutor for up to two specific courses (excluding writing and math) each semester at no additional charge.
Student Success Coaches
Every first year student is assigned a Student Success Coach to support them during their first year at PSU. Contact your coach with any questions or concerns you may have about class registration, getting more involved on campus, finding a job, or anything else you may think of.
Writing Center
Visit the Writing Center in Lamson Library for assistance with all things writing! From helping you get started on your writing assignment, to editing your final draft, and everything in-between like properly citing sources, professional and student consultants can help you develop and sharpen your writing skills.
Financial Resources
Financial Aid
Our Financial Aid Team can help you with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and assist you with additional options including scholarships, grants, and loans.
Student Financial Services
Our Student Financial Services Team can help you understand your bill, provide information about payment plans, and work with you to get any outside scholarships or agency payments credited to your account.
Student Support Foundation
The Student Support Foundation is a student-led organization that helps students succeed at Plymouth with short-term emergency aid and long-term support. If you’re experiencing a financial crisis or need some extra food, the Student Support Foundation can help you out with their emergency aid application and on-campus food pantry.
Holistic Health and Safety Resources
Frost House
Frost House is the home to the Academic Student Advocate, CARE, Student Conduct, and the Title IX programs. The folks at Frost House are here to help you navigate all of the processes that accompany the policies and rights you have as a student at PSU. Frost House staff can be reached at (603) 535-2206.
Health Services
Feeling under the weather? Injure yourself but don’t think you need to go to the Emergency Room? Need a prescription re-filled or a flu vaccine? Call (603) 535-2350 to schedule an appointment at Health Services! Visiting and meeting with a clinician is covered by student fees, though additional tests/services may have an additional cost.
Plymouth State University Counseling Center
The Counseling Center provides individual counseling, group counseling, alcohol and other drug counseling, and crisis intervention to all students at no additional cost. With a caring staff who has a variety of experiences, the Counseling Center meets the diverse needs of most students and you can view the profiles of the counselors online to find the right fit. Everything discussed with a counselor is kept confidential. The Counseling Center can be reached at (603) 535-2461.
Reflection and Spiritual Care Center
The Reflection and Spiritual Care Center provides spiritual, social, and service activities to people of all different faiths and perspectives. Looking to find a local place of worship? Stop by to get connected with one in the greater Plymouth/Lakes Region community!
Residential Life
Have a question about your housing assignment or meal plan? Need assistance talking to your roommate about a disagreement or conflict? Have a great idea for a program you would like to see take place in your residence hall? Residential Life has live-in staff and a central office that can help with anything that comes up throughout the year. The central office is located on the main level in Speare Administration Building and can be reached at (603) 535-2260.
Safe Ride Program
University Police will provide a safe ride to any student late night when the shuttle operations are not running. Rides are provided on campus and in the general vicinity off campus. Students need only to call University Police and ask for a “SAFE RIDE.”
University Police
The PSU University Police Department provides policing services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. UPD’s priority is to work with students, faculty and staff to foster a safe environment for those working, visiting, and living within the campus community. It is important for everyone at PSU to be prepared in case of an emergency—UPD has compiled useful resources pertaining to active shooters, severe weather, evacuations, etc. on their website for your review. You can visit or call UPD at (603) 535-2330 to report a crime, ask questions about parking on-campus, or request assistance.
Voices Against Violence
Advocates from Voices Against Violence are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help sexual misconduct and domestic abuse survivors with any and all needs including seeking medical attention, reporting an assault and seeking emotional support. Voices Against Violence is our primary resource and we seek to connect survivors with an advocate as soon as possible. Contact Voices Against Violence at (603) 536-5999 for assistance.