Film Studies (Minor)

Film Studies (Minor)
Digital media design lab

The Film Studies Minor offers students the opportunity to study the artistic, literary, critical, historical, and technical aspects of the motion picture.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
ENDI 2205The Art of Film (CTDI)4
Select one Class:4
EN 2360
Introduction to Film
CMDI 2025
Sex and Cinema in the 20th Century (and Beyond) (PPDI)
CMDI 2015
"Deviants" in Film and Society (SSDI)
Select two Classes:8
EN 3305
The Craft of Screenwriting: Reading and Writing Screenplays
EN 3325
Literature into Film
EN 3595
The Filmmaker's Vision: An Introduction to Film Analysis
Total Credits16
Request Information
