Information Technology (Minor)

Information Technology (Minor)
Students in Computer Science class

The minor in Information Technology is focused on information systems. A minimum of two courses in the minor must be taken at Plymouth State University, with at least one of them at the 3000/4000 level. Students intending to take the minor should consult with a Computer Science faculty advisor to determine which courses best suit their needs.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
CS 2010Computing Fundamentals (TECO)3
CS 2220Computer Hardware3
CS 2370Introduction to Programming4
Select two of the following:6-8
CS 3020
Web Programming
CS 3240
Data Communication and Computer Networks
CS 3600
Database Management Systems
CS 3720
Systems Analysis and Design
CS 4400
Computer Networks and Protocols
CS 4520
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
Total Credits16-18
Request Information
