MAT in Art Education Portfolio Guidelines

Your art portfolio says a lot about you, your strengths and your talents, your abilities, and your achievements. Your portfolio reflects your enthusiasm, experiences, energy, and motivation—it represents who you are as an artist. An art portfolio is required of all MAT in Art Education applicants.

Your portfolio should consist of 20 items and should include work that clearly shows your skills, strengths, and interests. Please include approximately 10 works in a variety of media and techniques to indicate your range and breadth of study as well as a minimum of 10 works representing your area of strength and mastery. These mastery works should also showcase your capability to work with a specific theme or focus. For example, your portfolio could include the following:

  • Drawings in any drawing medium
  • Works in color including oils, acrylics, pastel, watercolor, etc.
  • Three-dimensional objects, either functional or sculptural, in wood, metal, ceramic, plaster, etc.
  • Printmaking including etching, intaglio, silkscreen, block prints, mono-prints, etc.
  • Photographs in black and white or color; digital or silver based
  • Video, film, computer, or digital multimedia pieces on CD or DVD
  • Graphic design, environmental graphics, package design, etc.
  • Site-specific works such as murals, installations, or performances
  • Collaborative works (describe your role in the collaboration)
  • Mixed-media works
  • Applied arts

Your portfolio should also include a written statement, sent with the portfolio and not to exceed one page, explaining your selection of artifacts; describing your areas of strength; and explicating your work, the themes you are working with, and your expressive intentionality.

Please submit your portfolio in digital format. Your portfolio files can be uploaded along with your application. If you choose to submit your portfolio on CD, it should be Macintosh- or PC-compatible, using Photoshop, PowerPoint, or JPEGs. Web portfolios can also be reviewed; be sure to send your URL. Video tapes (no longer than 10 minutes) may also be submitted. Be sure to include information about each work, including the title, media, size, date of completion, and theme or subject.
If you choose to submit a CD or video tape, your portfolio should to be sent directly to the Admissions Office at the time of your application. Portfolios will be evaluated and returned to you. Be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped mailer for the safe return of your portfolio.

Your portfolio will be evaluated based on:

  • Composition and design skills
  • Technical skill with media
  • Sensitivity to characteristics of media
  • Intentional visual communication
  • Professional presentation
  • Mastery in one selected art form