NH DOE Licensure Requirements

Following is the process for licensure for first-time educatorsmost of which occurs after completion of the internship in teaching.

PSU & The Holmes Center

♦ Submit your graduation application by the Registrar's deadline.

♦  Complete subject-area tests as required for your licensure area/s and upload scores to your EIS account. This requirement can be completed as soon as content coursework is completed (even before the internship semester). These tests are not required for graduation or recommendation. However, after graduation you will be grateful that they were completed.

 Subject-area Test Information and Instructions

IMPORTANT UPDATE: NH Testing Requirements Are in the Process of Changing

The latest information regarding testing changes can be found on the NH DOE BASA page.

New test Codes

Pearson NH Test Site

♦ Grades close after graduation. Then, the Registrar will audit your transcript for your Degree Conferral. Degree conferral (by Registrar) can take 2-4 weeks to complete.

Note: If you haven't already, take applicable subject-area tests (Praxis II, etc.). These are not required for graduation or recommendation, but must be completed before you apply for licensure. 

♦ The Registrar will notify the Holmes Center that you have indeed earned your degree.

♦ The Holmes Center Licensure Officer will review your transcript and recommendation requirements. Then,  once requirements are met, the Holmes Center Licensure Officer will recommend you to the NH Department of Education and notify you via an email to your PSU account. This could take 1-2 weeks to complete.

 NH DOE Endorsement Codes

NH Department of Education

♦ The NH DOE receives your licensure recommendation from the Holmes Center.

♦ Make sure that your EIS account contains the artifacts required for licensure. Upload any missing artifacts. (NHDOE instructions for uploading are here.)

          ►Praxis Core  score report/s (or equivalent waiver/s) 

          ►subject-area test score report/s (if applicable)

          ►official transcript with signature of the PSU Registrar


  • You will need to upload your test score report/s if they were not directly reported to the DOE. You can tell if  your scores are in your account, because you will see the tests and/or waivers listed on your DOE EIS Educator page.  You may see a note such as BASA completed.

  • Your account will not have your official transcript until you upload it. 

  • The PSU Registrar uses Parchment for official transcript orders. For instructions, go to the Registrar's transcript page, see the Alumni (Degree Awarded) graduated after 1985 button (about 3/4 down the page) to order an electronic transcript. Do not do this until after you are notified of your degree conferral.

♦ Complete the application for licensure via your NH DOE EIS account (fee) on myNHDOE. You will be notified if your account is missing documentation artifacts.

 NH DOE Licensure Application Instructions

♦ Complete a new criminal records check (fee/s). Plan to have this completed within 30 days after submitting your licensure application. Follow these instructions to ensure that your clearance is delivered correctly. However, choose First-time Applicants, not PEPP.

 Criminal History Record ChecK Instructions

♦ The NH DOE will notify you when your licensure application has been approved.


For licensure, per NH DOE rules, graduates must complete and submit the licensure application requirements within 3 years from the date of recommendation.

Plymouth State University Educator Preparation Programs are approved by the New Hampshire State Board of Education and reviewed by the New Hampshire Council for Teacher Education (NHCTE). Completion of a PSU Educator Preparation Program (EPP) leads to recommendation for endorsement for the Beginner Educator Licensure with the New Hampshire Department of Education. Upon completion of an EPP, candidates may also request verification of program completion to other states. For information on reciprocity and obtaining a teaching license in a state other than NH, please contact the Holmes Center for assistance, psu-holmescenter@plymouth.edu. You can also contact the Department of Education for the state in which you are interested in pursuing licensure. Reciprocity does not mean an educator license from one state is automatically exchanged for a license in another state. The educator may have to complete additional requirements, such as coursework, assessments, or classroom experience, before receiving a full professional certificate in the new state.