Responsible employee

At Plymouth State University, all faculty and staff are considered ‘Responsible Employees’. The only exceptions are those whose position has privilege for confidentiality. PSU Health Services and PSU Counseling Center are the employees on campus that are not required to report to the Title IX Coordinator, though they do have responsibility to report non-identifiable information for accuracy in our federal Clery report.

Refer, then report:

If a student or colleague discloses that they have experienced discrimination, discriminatory harassment, or sexual assault, Responsible Employees should explain that they are required to report the information to the Title IX Coordinator, that their role in assisting is private, but cannot be confidential.

Plymouth State University’s primary resource referral for incidents of sexual harassment is Voices Against Violence, our local crisis agency. Voices Advocates work with survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating and relationship violence, stalking and more. Advocates support clients with receiving medical care, seeking protective measures through the court, making reports to law enforcement, making reports to campus, and proceeding through the campus formal complaint process.

Responsible Employees, upon receiving a disclosure, should first refer the individual to a confidential advocate from Voices Against Violence (603.536.5999), then contact the Title IX Coordinator to report the disclosure.

Responsible employees must report disclosures to:

Janette Wiggett
Title IX/504 Coordinator
Frost House
(603) 535-2206
(603) 535-2172

Plymouth State University has a fiduciary duty to create an academic environment that allows our students to pursue an education in an environment that is free from discrimination and/or harassment. Therefore, as agents of the University, faculty and staff members must act in good faith and with due regard for our students’ interests and report to appropriate authorities any allegations of discrimination and/or harassment despite requests for confidentiality or refusal by the victimized student to come forward personally. Failure to comply with this duty to report may result in disciplinary action.