The Human Performance Center houses all Health and Human Performance courses in the disciplines of Athletic Training/Allied Health Sciences, Exercise & Sport Physiology, Physical Education, and Public Health.

State of the art classrooms and labs combined with a dedicated team of faculty members make HPC a wonderful place to learn!
Description of Facilities

Research Lab HPC W222 (950 square feet)

Classroom Lab HPC W213 (1200 square feet)
The Exercise & Sport Physiology Laboratories are located in the newly renovated Human Performance Center. The classroom and the research laboratories serve the research needs of the program faculty and students in the areas of sport and clinical exercise physiology. The laboratories adhere to all requirements of the Environmental Health & Safety Department. All faculty and students conducting research in the laboratories complete CITI training regarding research with human subjects. PSU’s Institutional Review Board approves all research projects.
Instruments and Equipment
- COSMED AT-Cardio metabolic stress testing cart (Rome, Italy)
- 2 Parvomedics TrueOne 2400 metabolic measurement systems (Sandy , UT)
- KORR Metacheck metabolic rate analysis system (Salt Lake City, UT)
- COSMED treadmill with overhead safety arc and harness (Rome, Italy)
- Full Vision, Inc. Trackmaster treadmill (Newton, KS)
- Lode Excalibur Sport electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer (Groningen, Netherlands)
- 7 Monark cycle ergometers (874 E and 828 E; Vansbro, Sweden)
- 2 Monark Wingate testing cycle ergometers with power analysis (894 Ea and 894 E; Vansbro, Sweden)
- ADInstruments PowerLab System (Colorado Springs, CO) for measurements of electromyography, electrocardiography, heart rate variability, etc.
- InBody 770 body composition and body water analyzer (Seoul, South Korea)
- Tanita BC 418 bioelectrical impedance scale (Arlington Heights, IL)
- Sorinex Tendo Units with Tendo Analysis Laptop (Lexington, SC)
- 4 Schiller Electrocardiography AT-1 units (Doral, FL)
- Hemocue hemoglobin analyzer (Angelholm, Sweden)
- Hgb Pro hemoglobin analyzer (Edison, NJ)
- 3 Lactate Plus Nova Biomedical lactate monitors (Waltham, MA)
- Autocrit Ultra3 microhematocrit centrifuge (Franklin Lakes, NJ)
- LW Scientific ZipCombo microhematocrit centrifuge (Lawrenceville, GA)
- Brower timing system (Draper, UT)
- CMI ambulatory pulse oximeter (Alpharetta, GA)
- 2 Elevation training masks (2.0, Cadillac, MI)
- 2 Vertec vertical jump trainers for anaerobic power assessment (Sunnyvale, CA)
- Suntech Oscar 2 ambulatory blood pressure monitor (Morrisville, NC)
- 4 Channel iWorx EMG system (Dover, NH)
- Variety of other handheld instruments including Polar heart rate monitors, sphygmomanometers, Lange skinfold calipers, Jamar dynamometers, Fitbit activity monitors, etc.
Recent Undergraduate Research Projects

- The effect of creatine monohydrate supplementation on post exercise 24 hour blood pressure in healthy, young adults
- Effect of caffeine on vertical jump, Wingate, and VO2max performance
- The effect of creatine monohydrate supplementation on post exercise 24 hour blood pressure in healthy, young adults
- Effect of caffeine on vertical jump, Wingate, and VO2max performance
- The effect of a respiratory training mask at rest and during exercise in young, healthy adults
- Effects of internal and external cueing on muscle activation and force production
- Effects of warm- up intensity on 5 km performance & blood lactate response
- Plasma volume adaptations to high versus moderate intensity exercise interventions in sedentary individuals
- Performance predictors in collegiate alpine skiers