Applied Linguistics (Minor)

Applied Linguistics (Minor)
Linguistic minor student
Planet Earth

Are you interested in languages?  Do you enjoy talking and thinking about languages?  Do you find the origins and components of languages interesting?  Do you want to know more about how people learn languages?  If so, the minor in Applied Linguistics might be right for you.

What is Applied Linguistics?

Applied Linguistics is an interdisciplinary field that identifies and investigates language-related questions in the real world, with connections to academic fields such as education, psychology, computer science, anthropology, and sociology.

What is the Applied Linguistics Minor?

The PSU Applied Linguistics Minor consists of five classes (15 or 16 credits). Courses explore language education, language acquisition, language in society, language assessment, language policy, the historical development of the English language, cross-cultural communication and multilingualism.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements15-16
Select four of the following courses (two courses must be taken at the 3000 or 4000 level):
LIDI 2025
Queer Language, Culture, and Identity (DICO,SSDI)
LIDI 2455
Creating Language (CTDI)
LIDI 2505
The History of the English Language (PPDI)
LIDI 2955
Language Acquisition (SIDI)
LI 3500
TE 3305
Foundations of Multilingual Multicultural Studies (DICO)
TE 4100
TESOL Methods and Practice
Total Credits15-16
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The student is able to:

  • Understand and describe the historical development of the English language
  • Understand  current theories and the nature of first and additional language acquisition
  • Understand factors which impact language acquisition for children and adults
  • Understand  and apply different approaches to language acquisition research, and critically evaluate this research
  • Understand the distinction between rational thinking and anecdotal argumentation

The student is able to:

  • Offer explanations and make predictions about the nature of human language acquisition
  • Plan investigations,  and collect, analyze, and interpret data
  • Describe and give examples of ways in which human languages are all alike and how they may differ
  • Use the terminology of linguistics to describe language phenomena
  • Apply the tools of linguistics to analyze the sounds, words, and sentences of a language
  • Locate, analyze, interpret, evaluate,  and discuss research studies in linguistics
  • Describe different uses of language according to social context
  • Discuss significant research findings concerning sociolinguistics
  • Develop, situate, carry out, interpret, and analyze a research study, utilizing quantitative reasoning and research skills