Literature (Minor)

Literature (Minor)
Literature students

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements
EN 1600Studies in English (QRCO,WRCO)4
Rethinking Literature
Select one of the following:4
EN 2440
Rethinking Early American Literature (DICO,TECO)
EN 2460
Rethinking Modern American Literature (DICO)
EN 2490
Rethinking Modern British Literature, 1660-1945 (TECO)
EN 3430
Rethinking Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Advanced Study in Literature and Film
Select two of the following:8
EN 3040
Practicum in Production
EN 3305
The Craft of Screenwriting: Reading and Writing Screenplays
EN 3325
Literature into Film
EN 3595
The Filmmaker's Vision: An Introduction to Film Analysis
EN 3755
Topics in Literature and Film
EN 4805
Single Author Course
EN 4950
English Internship
Total Credits16
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