Love Your Selfie: Body Positive Movement at Plymouth State

Self-love can be tough to achieve. I hear from EVERYONE—men and women, intellectuals and athletes—that there is some part of their physical appearance they dislike or wish they could change. No one is immune to body image problems. Did you know that over 90 percent of men and women have negative thoughts about their physical appearance? Pretty sad.

The problem is only perpetuated by social media, which has taken the self-confidence away from many users with photos that have been edited to perfection, with zero flaws.

This is not only on Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat but in magazines and commercials. Young girls and boys and even women and men look to famous actors and influencers on what “beautiful” and “cool” is.

In high school, I was no different than anyone else who falls victim to negative thought cycles. I wasn’t happy with my weight and appearance so I began avoiding food and doing cardio every day. I lost so much weight that my family began to worry about me. Again, I was unhappy. Last year was a turning point for me. I got more involved with Campus Recreation in the HUB and started learning about lifting weights and fueling my body to be healthy and strong. Through this process, I have found self-love.

This fall, after hearing a speech on impact and how we can impact the lives of others, I decided to start a body positivity movement called, “Love Your Selfie.” Inspired by my own journey and the beautiful men and women I’ve met in Campus Recreation, I really wanted to help others overcome their body image struggles. So I got to work and came up with a plan that not only gives everyone a voice, but encourages the community to get involved.

Love Your Selfie encourages students, faculty, staff, and community members to share photos of themselves on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #loveyourselfiepsu and tagging Campus Recreation @PlymStateRec. We want everyone to be daring, and post a selfie of them doing what they love or the place or thing that makes them the happiest.

Next is where the community comes in to help make an impact. Spread the love and make someone smile, by commenting on three others “love your selfie” posts. Let’s help one another!

Steps to Love Your Selfie

  1. Take your most daring photo of yourself doing what you love, wearing what you love, in the place that you love.
  2. Share on Instagram or Facebook using #loveyourselfiepsu and tagging @PlymStateRec.
  3. Spread the love! Comment on someone else’s post with words of support, love, and kindness. #KindnessIsFree

Samantha Powers ’21, founder of the Love Your Selfie movement, is a Criminal Justice major at Plymouth State University. Samantha interns at Campus Recreation with an amazing group of people. She enjoy spending time with friends and family, and loves going to the gym to either work out or work in the office!