Cheryl Coker
Dr. Coker is a motor learning specialist who draws from her experiences as a teacher, coach, and athlete to assist practitioners in putting theory into practice. She has given over 100 presentations throughout the US and internationally and has authored numerous journal articles, book chapters, and the textbook Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners, which has been well received for its applications based approach. Dr. Coker was the recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Graduate Teaching Award, has served in numerous leadership capacities at the state, district and national level and is a fellow of both the Research Consortium in the Society of Health and Physical Educators and of the North American Society of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Professionals.
Selected publications
Coker, C.A. (In Press). Motor skill learning for effective coaching and performance. In J.M. Williams and V. Krane (Eds.), Applied Sport Psychology; Personal Growth to Peak Performance. 9th Edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Czyż, S. H. & Coker, C.A. (2023). An applied model for using variability in practice. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 18(5). DOI: 10.1177/17479541231159473.
Coker, C.A. (2022). Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners. 5th Edition, New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Hebert, E. & Coker, C.A. (2021). Optimizing feedback frequency: Self-controlled and moderate frequency of KR enhance skill acquisition. Perceptual and Motor Skills,128(5), 2381-2397
Kautzman, B., Kase, J. & Coker, C.A. (2021). Evaluation of functional movement quality in female collegiate dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 25(2), 147-151.
Coker, C.A. & Herrick, B. (2021). Functional movement proficiency’s association to actual and perceived motor competence. Journal of Motor Learning and Development. 9(1), 28-37.
Coker, C.A. (2019). Influence of cueing strategies on gaze behavior during observational learning. The Physical Educator, 76, 990-1001.
Coker, C.A. (2019). Combining attentional focus strategies: Effects and adherence. The Physical Educator, 76(1), 98-109
Selected Presentations
McCandless, C., Lin, PC., Obidele, K., Aiken, C. & Coker, C. Mastering the Stack: How Task and Ego Orientations Influence Practice Abandonment. NASPSA, Lake Tahoe, June 2025.
Brian, A., Beach , P., Coker, C., Getchell, N., Goodway, J., & Ozmun, J. Meet Current Motor Behavior Textbook Authors: Translating Theory and Research to Practice. SHAPE America National Convention, Baltimore, MD April 2025.
Coker, C.A. Aborting Practice Trials: A Preliminary Investigation. NASPSPA, Toronto, Canada June 2023
Coker, C.A., Webster, K. & Case, L. Strategies for Teaching Motor Development and Learning to PETE candidates. SHAPE America National Convention, Seattle, WA March 2023.
Clark, J., Coker, C.A., & Ulrich, D. Future of Motor Behavior in Higher Education- From Tower to Trenches, Webinar, SHAPE America, February 2022.
Gaudet, R., Stoogenke, R., Schultz, C., Coker, C.A., & Kendall, E. Relationship between Sitting and Rising Abilities in Youth and BMI Percentiles. APTA, February 2021.
Schultz, C., Stoogenke, R., Gaudet, R., Coker, C.A., & Kendall, E. Actual and Perceived Movement Competence and the Ability to Sit and Rise in Young Adolescents. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, February 2021.
McIntosh, L.M. & Coker, C.A. Finding One's Challenge Point using Self-Control of Task Difficulty. NASPSPA, Vancouver, Canada June 2020.
Bristol, R. Herrick, B. & Coker, C. Functional Movement Proficiency Declines from 7th to 8th Grade, NASPSPA. Vancouver, Canada June 2020.
Kautzmann, B., Kase, J., Jarvis, L., Coker, C., Kendall E., Evaluation of Functional Movement Quality in Female Collegiate Dancers. Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, Denver, CO. February 2020.
Raniuk, A., Stover, N., Herrick, B., Bevers, E., Rhodes, M., Coker, C., & Kendall, K. Correlation of Maximal Dorsiflexion and Weight Distribution with Deep Squat Abilities in College Dancers, Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, Denver, CO. February 2020.
Simmons, G., Mace, K., Matthews, A., Coker, C. & Kendall, K. Exploration of Factors That Affect FMS Hurdle-Step Performance in Dancers, Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, Denver, CO. February 2020.
Kendall, E., & Coker, C.A. A New Strategy for IEP and PT Goal Development: Integrating the ICF Model, the ABCD Method, Motor Learning Theory and the National P.E. Standards, Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, November 2019.
Coker, C.A. Concerning trends in the functional movement proficiency of 7th grade students. NASPSPA, Baltimore, June 2019