Greg Dumont

Gregory Dumont

Associate Professor
Phone: (603) 535-2464
Office: Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Hyde Hall Rm 110, MSC 27, Plymouth, NH 03264


BA, Sociology, University of New Hampshire
BS, Economics, University of New Hampshire
MBA, Southern New Hampshire University
MS-IB, Southern New Hampshire University
Ph.D., Southern New Hampshire University

Dr. Dumont has extensive experience working in the private sector as both a financial planner and multiple positions with marketing/sales responsibilities. His tenure at Plymouth State University began fall 2015 after spending the previous five years at the University of Akron in Akron, OH. He teaches a variety of marketing courses, including Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management and Sports Marketing. Dr. Dumont’s research interests broadly include marketing strategy with a focus on the marketing of mega sporting events and the efficacy of neuro-marketing within the sporting firm.

Dr. Dumont is a co-faculty advisor for the PSU chapter of the American Marketing Association, branded MAPS (Marketing Association of Plymouth State).