Samuel Miller
BSc, MSc, PhD, University of New Hampshire
MBA, Plymouth State University
Samuel Miller received a diploma with honors in weather forecasting from Chanute Air Force Base (Rantoul, Ill.), a B.S. in physics summa cum laude, an M.S. in Earth Science-Oceanography, and a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of New Hampshire. He has also earned an MBA from Plymouth State University.
Prior to joining the faculty at Plymouth State University in 2005, he worked as a meteorologist for the U.S. National Weather Service (NOAA), Alaskan Region, Anchorage Forecast Office. At UNH, he served as an instructor/lecturer, a research scientist for the Climate Change Research Center, and a research scientist/programmer for the Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory. He worked as contract weather observer for the Pease Air National Guard Base Weather Station (Portsmouth, N.H.) and as an active duty weather forecaster for the U.S. Air Force at Incirlik Air Base (Adana, Turkey); Plattsburgh AFB (N.Y.); Travis AFB (Calif.); and Loring AFB (Maine).
In addition to teaching at PSU, Dr. Miller is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist, and serves on the AMS’s national Board of CCMs.
Selected Publications
Miller, S.T.K. and Coauthors, 2020: Applied radar meteorology, Open Educational Resource (Academx Publishing Services, Inc.), 343 pgs.