Genesis Uribe ’22

Genesis Uribe

“As a Latina I go through imposter syndrome a lot, but my father really instilled that education is what matters most in your life and you have to really work for it,” says Genesis Uribe ’22. “So, in my free time, I do as many things that add value to my life as possible.” 

Uribe, a criminology major, will be graduating a semester early this December, reprising her completion of high school early as well. After going through stages when her academics plummeted due to family strife, she’s more than made up for lost time and plans to become an attorney. 

Her confident and articulate demeanor is a testament to superior effort, not only on coursework but in managing a diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress disorder. Raised early on by her grandmothers and then separately by divorced parents, Uribe’s move to Hooksett, NH, at age 15 to live with her dad and stepmom was preceded by periods in New York City, her mother’s native Colombia, and Malaga, Spain. Her worldly perspective distinguishes her, as does the emotional burden she bears. 

“A really big component of my healing journey was to focus on my education in order to make it out alive,” says Uribe. “And that just happened to be law, and I’m so thankful because it comes so easily. It’s my only passion, my big hobby, it’s everything for me.” 

Yet she’s found time for guiding her peers as well. As a Social Justice leader with the new Center for Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice she recently led a conversation on how Latinos have often been overlooked for their many accomplishments. She also serves as president of the University’s national criminal justice honor society chapter and was previously student body vice president and her class secretary. 

A significant influence entered before her first semester even started. Uribe was among the initial cohort of Ascent, a pre-orientation week of special programming for students like her who were first in their families to attend college or had other circumstances that made higher education a higher hurdle to clear. Uribe bonded with Coordinators Scott Coykendall and Meghan Merritt Schaffer, who have remained steadfast resources and confidants ever since. 

“I’ve been impressed with Genesis since her very first day of college when she was one of the first students to raise her hand and offer her story,” says Professor Coykendall. “That story has remained the same for the past three-plus years: she’s here to make her own place in the world. We’ve asked her to mentor other Ascent students because she’s such a great example of a student who knows that hard work and planning are the difference between a wish and a goal.” 

This summer Uribe had another opportunity for early academic exposure, this time through a Summer Pre-law “Pipeline Program” through Suffolk University Law School. “There are a lot of issues that minority students have that most students wouldn’t have, so it’s a pipeline to provide the law school application elements,” Uribe explains. “I took two classes and got to meet some of the faculty, and it was pretty incredible.” 

The Boston setting made her appreciate her undergraduate environs that much more. “I didn’t really like the fast-paced environment there,” Uribe says. “The comparison to the Plymouth State campus really opened my eyes, and I think having the ability to go to a smaller campus equipped me better for law school. 

“Plymouth is a very welcoming and open environment,” she continues. “Faculty and staff make this place what it is, and in the criminal justice program they work day in, day out not just to inspire students but making sure that students are ok. I enjoy that intimacy that comes with a small campus.” 

Uribe had been planning on becoming a prosecutor, but after interning with Wescott Law P.A. in Laconia, NH, she’s now open to other possibilities. “I drafted a couple of motions, got to go to court, and was involved with lots of family law and estate law. Immigration is also another big issue for me because of my heritage. When I get to law school, I’m going to see what subjects catch my attention the most.”