Four women wearing matching purple shirts stand in front of a granite bench

XAZ Sisters Sue Sweet ’77, Cheryl Smith ’73, Denise Kretz ’82, and Teresa Leeman ’76 at the dedication of the Chi Alpha Zeta granite bench in June 2024.

Since the 1960s, Greek life has played an important role on Plymouth State’s campus by providing students with social respite, unity, and opportunities to participate in student leadership and governance. Greek life has also contributed to building a spirit of philanthropy, initiating the annual Greeks Give Back campaign in 2022. Now more than ever, Plymouth State’s Greek alumni are providing generous financial support to current students. 

“Philanthropy has been a part of the Plymouth State Greeks community for a long time,” says PSU Alumni Association board member and Chi Alpha Zeta alumna Donna Charest ’95. “The Greeks Give Back initiative provides a collective avenue for this giving spirit.” 

Last fiscal year, over 650 Plymouth State Greek-affiliated alumni gave back more than $300,000 in support of areas like the Hyde Hall Renovation, Angilly Opportunity Scholarship, Women’s Circle of Giving Endowed Scholarship, and Panther Athletics, among others. Philanthropic participation from this group has nearly doubled since 2020, and the amount raised has seen an incredible five-fold increase. 

A group of people smiling at a celebration event

KDP Brothers with student recipients of the Kappa Delta Phi, Sigma Chapter Endowed Scholarship at a Connections Brunch event.

Fundraising initiatives like tribute benches installed by Omega Omicron, Phi Mu Kappa and Tau Kappa Epsilon, and most recently Chi Alpa Zeta have contributed to this increase. Other Greek organizations, like Kappa Delta Phi, have established their own scholarships which they encourage their members to support. The Kappa Delta Phi, Sigma Chapter Endowed Scholarship provides financial assistance to current students who have demonstrated service to their community and are in good academic standing. As an endowed scholarship, the fund continues to grow year after year with gifts made by alumni. These are just a few examples of how Greeks are making a lasting impact on the lives of students. 

This “pay-it-forward” spirit is closely linked to the special connections formed through the brother- and sisterhoods that Greek life instills in those who experience it. “Plymouth State is where we all forged our bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood and where we still gather for Homecoming, Greek Reunion Weekend, and other events to celebrate those bonds and our history,” Charest explains. “Giving back ensures that current students have the same opportunities to get an education and form lifelong friendships.” 



If you or your Greek organization are interested in learning more about the annual Greeks Give Back campaign, establishing a campus scholarship or tribute bench, or seeking other avenues for giving back, please contact alumni relations at
