Program Objectives

Counselor Education conceptually includes the School Counseling and Clinical Mental Health Counseling programs. The general objectives for these programs are based upon the core standards from the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). These objectives include the following:

Students will be able to:

  1. Articulate and demonstrate the professional and ethical role of a counselor.
  2. Discuss and demonstrate techniques of cross-cultural counseling and advocate on behalf of multicultural populations.
  3. Describe the role that human growth and development plays in counseling interventions and modify these interventions as appropriate.
  4. Explain theories of career development and implement career interventions.
  5. Define and utilize counseling skills and advanced counseling interventions.
  6. Articulate theories of group counseling and utilize leadership skills in facilitating various types of groups.
  7. Identify and utilize various types of counseling assessments.
  8. Describe and conduct methods of research and program evaluation.

Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program Objectives

In addition to mastering the departmental goals and Counselor Education objectives listed above, Clinical Mental Health Counseling students will also master the following program objectives:

Students will be able to:

  1. Articulate and apply foundational knowledge of clinical mental health counseling.
  2. Articulate and demonstrate various types of counseling, consultation, prevention, and intervention – including response to crisis and trauma and addiction.
  3. Discuss issues of multiculturalism, demonstrate multicultural competency skills, and advocate on behalf of multicultural populations in clinical mental health counseling settings.
  4. Analyze and utilize various types of clinical mental health counseling assessments.
  5. Critically evaluate and utilize research methods in the practice of clinical mental health counseling.
  6. Describe and employ principles of case conceptualization, diagnosis, and treatment planning with a variety of populations.

School Counseling Program Objectives

School Counseling students master the following objectives in addition to the departmental goals and Counselor Education objectives described above.

Students will be able to:

  1. Articulate and apply foundational knowledge of school counseling.
  2. Articulate and demonstrate various types of counseling, prevention, and intervention – including methods of program development and crisis response.
  3. Discuss issues of multiculturalism, demonstrate multicultural competency skills, and advocate on behalf of multicultural populations in school counseling settings.
  4. Analyze and utilize various types of school counseling assessments.
  5. Critically evaluate and utilize research methods in the practice of school counseling.
  6. Describe methods of promoting social, emotional, and academic development.
  7. Demonstrate methods of effective collaboration and consultation with school staff, students, parents, and community members.
  8. Explain the importance of and assume leadership roles in their respective schools.