Mathematical Data Science (B.S.)

Mathematical Data Science (B.S.)
Math teacher teaching math on a whiteboard

At PSU Math, student success is our highest priority.

We are devoted to helping you succeed in college and begin your career. PSU Math delivers high impact education. Math is an ancient and evolving field, and thus covering math content alone is not enough. We help you learn how to learn and how to question the world around you. We employ modern teaching practices and create many opportunities for exploration and collaboration.

Opportunities and support for math majors include:

  • A Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics or Mathematical Data Science.
  • Student teaching and professional development through the Holmes Center.

Mathematical Data Sciences is an interdisciplinary mathematics program that emphasizes computer science, experimentation, and data collection. Mathematics provides students with methods and theory that live at the heart of problem solving and data analysis in the physical sciences, engineering, and innovative industries. Combining mathematics with computer science gives students the practical skills necessary to employ their theoretical mathematics knowledge and develop algorithms to address problems in the real world.  Students in Mathematical Data Sciences will also complete 16 to 23 credits in an enrichment option of their choice.  The enrichment option gives students experience in a particular field where mathematics and computer science can be applied, and the background to properly implement their skills.

Request Information


Curriculum & Requirements

Course Title Credits
Major Requirements
CS 2370Introduction to Programming4
CS 2381Data Structures and Intermediate Programming4
CS 3221Algorithm Analysis4
CS 3600Database Management Systems4
MA 2450Mathematical Reasoning4
MA 2550Calculus I (QRCO)4
MA 2560Calculus II (QRCO)4
MA 2700Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO)3
MA 3355Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO)4
MA 3540Calculus III4
MA 3600Differential Equations with Linear Algebra4
MA 4510Introduction to Analysis3
Complete one course from the following:3
MA 3280
Regression Analysis
MA 3500
Probability and Statistics for Scientists
Complete one course from the following:3-4
CS 4520
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
CJ 3157
Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
General Education27-36
Option Requirements30-41
Complete one of the following required options:
Criminal Justice
Physical Meteorology
Weather Analysis
Total Credits120

Biology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Through the Mathematical Data Sciences major with the Biology option, students learn fundamental biology and chemistry, and then focus on genetics and conservation.  This degree prepares students for a career or graduate study in computational bioinformatics, genomics, neurobiology, and other interdisciplinary biology and mathematics fields. 

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
BI 1110Biological Science I (TECO)4
BI 1120Biological Science II4
BI 3060Genetics4
BI 3240Conservation (DICO,GACO)3
BI 4980Biology Seminar2
CH 2335General Chemistry I (QRCO)4
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
WECOWellness Connection3-4
Total Credits59-70

Directions should total 16 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Mathematical Data Sciences, Biology Option.

Chemistry Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Through the Mathematical Data Sciences major with the Chemistry option, students learn general chemistry and organic chemistry.  Students then can choose to further study organic chemistry or to instead focus on instrumentation or quantum mechanics.  This degree prepares students for a career or graduate study in analytical chemistry, forensics, and other interdisciplinary chemistry and mathematics fields.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
CH 1050Laboratory Safety1
CH 2335General Chemistry I (QRCO)4
CH 2255Techniques in Laboratory3
CH 2340General Chemistry II4
CH 3370Organic Chemistry I4
Choose one course from the following:4
CH 3550
Instrumental Analysis (TECO,WRCO)
CH 3380
Organic Chemistry II
CH 3465
Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection3-4
WECOWellness Connection3-4
Total Credits62-74

Directions should total 16 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Mathematical Data Sciences, Chemistry Option.

Criminal Justice Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Criminal Justice is an inherently interdisciplinary field, and the Mathematical Data Sciences major with the Criminal Justice option prepares students for the analytical aspect of Criminal Justice.  Students have a choice of electives that prepare them for a career in law, government agencies, and private industries.  Future career possibilities include criminologist, criminal intelligence analyst, forensic scientist, and criminal investigator.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
CJ 3025Forensic Science4
CJ 2090Criminal Law4
Choose two courses from the following:12
CJ 2025
Police and society
CJ 2080
Crime and Criminals
CJ 3005
Criminal Investigation
CJ 3015
CJ 3405
Homeland Security
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection3-4
WECOWellness Connection3-4
Total Credits61-73

Directions should total 16 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Mathematical Data Sciences, Criminal Justice Option.

Physical Meteorology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Meteorology is an inherently interdisciplinary field.  Through the Mathematical Data Sciences major with the Physical Meteorology option, students learn fundamental physics and atmospheric science.  Students choose an elective that focuses on the physics of either atmospheric motions or precipitation and solar radiation.  This degree prepares students for a career or graduate study in meteorology, physical meteorology, and applied mathematics.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
PH 2510University Physics I4
PH 2520University Physics II4
MT 2000Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology (GACO)3
MT 3230Atmospheric Thermodynamics3
Choose one course from the following:3
MT 4310
Dynamic Meteorology I
MT 4410
Atmospheric Physics
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
WECOWellness Connection3-4
Total Credits57-68

Directions should total 16 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Mathematical Data Sciences, Physical Meteorology Option.

Psychology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Through the Mathematical Data Sciences major with the Psychology option, students learn general, cognitive, and learning psychology, and then focus on psychological measurement.  This degree prepares students for a career or graduate study in psychology, quantitative psychology, neuroscience, market research, and other interdisciplinary psychology and mathematics fields.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
PS 2015Introduction to General Psychology4
PS 3210Learning4
PS 3220Cognitive Psychology4
PS 44403
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection3-4
WECOWellness Connection3-4
Total Credits58-69

Directions should total 16 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Mathematical Data Sciences, Psychology Option.

Weather Analysis Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Meteorology is an inherently interdisciplinary field.  Through the Mathematical Data Sciences major with the Weather Analysis option, students learn fundamental physics and atmospheric science.  Students then have a choice of electives that focus on weather and instrumentation.  This degree prepares students for a career or graduate study in meteorology, weather analysis, insurance analysis, and other fields in meteorology and applied mathematics.

Course Title Credits
Option Requirements
MT 2000Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology (GACO)3
MT 2250Introduction to Weather Analysis and Forecasting4
MT 3230Atmospheric Thermodynamics3
PH 2510University Physics I4
MT 3725Instruments and Observations in Meteorology3
General Education
EN 1400Composition4
IS 1115Tackling a Wicked Problem4
CTDICreative Thought Direction3-4
PPDIPast and Present Direction3-4
SSDISelf and Society Direction3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 14-8
WECOWellness Connection3-4
Total Credits56-71

Directions should total 16 credits because SIDI is waived for BS Mathematical Data Sciences, Weather Analysis Option.

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

To complete the bachelor’s degree in 4 years, you must successfully complete a minimum of 15 credits each semester or have a plan to make up credits over the course of the 4 years.  For example, if you take 14 credits one semester, you need to take 16 credits in another semester.  Credits completed must count toward your program requirements (major, option, minor, certificate, general education or free electives).

Required Options in this Major

Complete One Option

Biology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for as an odd start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
WECOWellness Connection 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
BI 1110 Biological Science I (TECO) 4
CH 2335 General Chemistry I (QRCO) 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
BI 1120 Biological Science II 4
BI 4980 Biology Seminar 2
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
BI 3060 Genetics 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Elective 8
Year Four
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
BI 3240 Conservation (DICO,GACO) 3
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
SSDISelf and Society Direction 3-4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
Elective 11
 Total Credits120

Biology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for as an even start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 3-4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 3-4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
BI 1110 Biological Science I (TECO) 4
CH 2335 General Chemistry I (QRCO) 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
BI 1120 Biological Science II 4
CH 2340 General Chemistry II 4
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
BI 3060 Genetics 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
CAMS Math elective 3
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
Elective 8
Year Four
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
BI 3240 Conservation (DICO,GACO) 3
CAMS Ethics course 3-4
Elective 3-4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
Electives 6
 Total Credits120

Chemistry Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for an odd start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 4
WECOWellness Connection 4
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
CH 2335 General Chemistry I (QRCO) 4
CH 1050 Laboratory Safety 1
Elective 3
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CH 2340 General Chemistry II 4
CH 2255 Techniques in Laboratory 3
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
Elective 3
Year Four
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CH 3370 Organic Chemistry I 4
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
Elective 3-4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
CH 3550
or CH 3380
or CH 3465
Instrumental Analysis (TECO,WRCO)
or Organic Chemistry II
or Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
Elective 3-4
 Total Credits120

Chemistry Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences 

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for an even start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
WECOWellness Connection 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3-4
CH 2335 General Chemistry I (QRCO) 4
CH 1050 Laboratory Safety 1
Elective 3
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
CH 2340 General Chemistry II 4
CH 2255 Techniques in Laboratory 3
Elective 1
Year Three
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
CH 3550
or CH 3380
or CH 3465
Instrumental Analysis (TECO,WRCO)
or Organic Chemistry II
or Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
Elective 1
Year Four
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
Elective 3-4
Elective 9-12
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
 Total Credits120

Criminal Justice Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for an odd start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
WECOWellness Connection 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4-8
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
CJ 2090 Criminal Law 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 4
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CJ 2080
or CJ 2025
or CJ 3005
or CJ 3015
or CJ 3025
or CJ 3405
Crime and Criminals
or Police and society
or Criminal Investigation
or Cybercrime
or Forensic Science
or Homeland Security
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
Elective 4
Year Four
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
CJ 2080
or CJ 2025
or CJ 3005
or CJ 3015
or CJ 3025
or CJ 3405
Crime and Criminals
or Police and society
or Criminal Investigation
or Cybercrime
or Forensic Science
or Homeland Security
Elective 3-4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
CJ 2080
or CJ 2025
or CJ 3005
or CJ 3015
or CJ 3025
or CJ 3405
Crime and Criminals
or Police and society
or Criminal Investigation
or Cybercrime
or Forensic Science
or Homeland Security
Elective 5-6
 Total Credits120

Criminal Justice Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for an even start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
WECOWellness Connection 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
Year Three
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
CJ 2090 Criminal Law 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 4
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
CJ 2080
or CJ 2025
or CJ 3005
or CJ 3015
or CJ 3025
or CJ 3405
Crime and Criminals
or Police and society
or Criminal Investigation
or Cybercrime
or Forensic Science
or Homeland Security
Elective 6
Year Four
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
CJ 2080
or CJ 2025
or CJ 3005
or CJ 3015
or CJ 3025
or CJ 3405
Crime and Criminals
or Police and society
or Criminal Investigation
or Cybercrime
or Forensic Science
or Homeland Security
Elective 3-4
CJ 2080
or CJ 2025
or CJ 3005
or CJ 3015
or CJ 3025
or CJ 3405
Crime and Criminals
or Police and society
or Criminal Investigation
or Cybercrime
or Forensic Science
or Homeland Security
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
Elective 3-4
 Total Credits120

Physical Meteorology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for an odd start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PH 2510 University Physics I 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
PH 2520 University Physics II 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3-4
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
MT 2000 Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology (GACO) 3
WECOWellness Connection 3
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
MT 3230 Atmospheric Thermodynamics 3
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
Elective 4
Year Four
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
MT 4310
or MT 4410
Dynamic Meteorology I
or Atmospheric Physics
Elective 4-6
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 3
Elective 10
 Total Credits120

Physical Meteorology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for an even start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PH 2510 University Physics I 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
PH 2520 University Physics II 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3
Year Three
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
MT 2000 Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology (GACO) 3
WECOWellness Connection 3
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
MT 3230 Atmospheric Thermodynamics 3
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
Elective 3
Year Four
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
MT 4310
or MT 4410
Dynamic Meteorology I
or Atmospheric Physics
Elective 0-2
Elective 3
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 3-4
Elective 12
 Total Credits120

Psychology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for as an odd start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 3-4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
PS 2015 Introduction to General Psychology 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
PS 3210 Learning 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3-4
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
PS 3220 Cognitive Psychology 4
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
Elective 4
Year Four
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
PS 4440 3
Elective 4-6
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
WECOWellness Connection 3
Elective 7-8
 Total Credits120

Psychology Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for as an even start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
PS 2015 Introduction to General Psychology 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 4
Year Three
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
PS 3210 Learning 4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 4
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
PS 3220 Cognitive Psychology 4
WECOWellness Connection 4
Year Four
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
PS 4440 3
Elective 4-6
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
Elective 9
 Total Credits120

Weather Analysis Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for as an odd start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PH 2510 University Physics I 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 3-4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3-4
Year Three
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
MT 2000 Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology (GACO) 3
MT 2250 Introduction to Weather Analysis and Forecasting 4
Elective 3
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
MT 3230 Atmospheric Thermodynamics 3
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
WECOWellness Connection 3-4
Elective 3
Year Four
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
MT 3725 Instruments and Observations in Meteorology 3
Elective 3-4
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
Elective 8
 Total Credits120

Weather Analysis Option of BS in Mathematical Data Sciences

Check all course descriptions for prerequisites before planning course schedule. Course sequence is suggested but not required.

Please use the following sequence for as an even start year:

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
MA 2450 Mathematical Reasoning 4
MA 2550 Calculus I (QRCO) 4
EN 1400 Composition 4
IS 1115 Tackling a Wicked Problem 4
MA 2700 Introduction to Mathematical Proof Writing (WRCO) 3
MA 2560 Calculus II (QRCO) 4
CTDICreative Thought Direction 4
PPDIPast and Present Direction 4
Year Two
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CS 2370 Introduction to Programming 4
PH 2510 University Physics I 4
SSDISelf and Society Direction 4
MA 3540 Calculus III 4
CS 2381 Data Structures and Intermediate Programming 4
Directions (choose from CTDI, PPDI, SSDI) 3-4
GACOGlobal Awareness Connection 3-4
Year Three
MA 4510 Introduction to Analysis 3
CS 3600 Database Management Systems 4
MT 2000 Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology (GACO) 3
MT 2250 Introduction to Weather Analysis and Forecasting 4
Elective 3
MA 3600 Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
MT 3230 Atmospheric Thermodynamics 3
MA 3280
or MA 3500
Regression Analysis
or Probability and Statistics for Scientists
WECOWellness Connection 3-4
Elective 3
Year Four
MA 3355 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (TECO) 4
CS 4520
or CJ 3157
CyberEthics (DICO,WRCO)
or Society, Ethics, and the Law (DICO)
MT 3725 Instruments and Observations in Meteorology 3
Elective 3-4
CS 3221 Algorithm Analysis 4
Elective 8
 Total Credits120

  • An ability to apply acquired knowledge, appropriate to the discipline, to solve problems.
  • An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
  • An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities.
  • An ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audiences.
  • An ability to apply current theory, practice, and skills in the design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the trade-offs involved in design choices.

A major in mathematical data sciences is a good preparation for a variety of careers based in the utilization of data. Plymouth State’s mathematical data sciences program provides student with sufficient background in mathematical theory, computer skills, and an applied discipline to be able work with the vast quantities of data in the modern business world. Students are prepared for and various types of industry positions, or to pursue graduate work or research.
Sample Jobs include, but are not limited to: Mathematical Scientist, Actuary, Game Designer, Supply Chain Analyst, Retirement Plan Designer, Numerical Analyst, Financial Planner, Data Base Manager, Cryptologist, Forensic Analyst, Computer Research Scientist, Physician, Information Scientist, Bioinformatician, Quality Control Analyst, Economist, Information Systems Analyst, Robotics Engineer, Cost Estimator, Epidemiologist, Software Engineer, Risk Analyst, Claims Specialist, Controller, Quantitative Pharmacologist, Forecast Analyst, Environmental Scientist, Data Engineer, Auditor, Budget Analyst, Systems Modeler, Methods Developer, Scientific Consultant, Underwriter, Geomagnetic Engineer, Forest/Fisheries Scientist, Mathematical Biologist, Modeler
See the U.S. Department of Labor Outlook for a complete list.
Useful Skills for Jobs in the Mathematics Fields:
  • Accuracy and attention to detail
  • Strong mathematical and computer skills
  • Proficiency in analytical reasoning
  • Facility with data and large quantities of information
  • Strong organization and communication skills

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