Student Spotlight: Megan Wheeler ’19

Name: Megan Wheeler
Class year: 2019
Major: Marketing, Professional Sales Certificate
Hometown: Manchester, NH
Sport: Varsity Women’s Tennis

Why did you choose Plymouth State?

Plymouth State offers me the opportunity to get a great education and make lifelong connections. The community is welcoming, the professors are outstanding, and the location is perfect. I also can continue my passion for tennis by being a part of the team.

What is the best opportunity that Plymouth has given you?

Plymouth has given me the opportunity to learn about marketing in the classroom and through hands-on experiences. As a result, I have created a large network of professors, business leaders, and classmates who provide me with more opportunities to learn. In addition, I’ve developed even stronger interpersonal skills and more confidence presenting in front of large groups. All of these opportunities have led me to my future career in the professional sports industry. If I had not chosen Plymouth State, I would not nearly be as successful as I am today.

What keeps you busy outside of classes?

I keep busy working for Admissions by calling prospective students and giving tours. Like any student, I also spend my fair share of time in the library. In my free time, I love to hang out with my friends and go explore the neighboring communities around Plymouth.

What have you learned to love while at Plymouth State?

I have learned to take my academics seriously. In reality, I learned to love learning. Every time I go to class, I’m excited to learn something new. My professors inspire and push me to do better. 

What advice would you give future students?

Get involved early to help build their own community within Plymouth. Since you never know which opportunity will change your life, say yes to as many as you can.

What is your plan after graduation?

After graduation, I will be moving down to South Florida to work for the professional hockey team, the Florida Panthers. I will start my career in its sales and marketing department. Being an athlete at PSU has given the chance to make connections that I would have never had otherwise. I was asked by Assistant Director of Athletics Lauren Lavigne ’94 to be part of a pilot mentorship program called PSUnite, which connected me to my mentor, Rodney Eskstrom ’09G. We spoke about future goals and what I want to do post-grad, and Rodney connected me with a PSU graduate working in the same industry I have dreamed of working in, professional sports.