About Us

Writing Center staff

Meet the Staff

Professional Staff

Jane Weber
(603) 535-2831

Student Consultants

  • Gillian Hamilton, Political Science
  • Izzy Jackson, Climate Studies
  • Jess Karspeck, Social Work
  • Ali Souza, English
  • Alexa Strong, English

We invite you to e-mail your confidential comments about the Writing Center to Jane Weber.

To make an appointment, call the Writing Center at (603) 535-2831

What We Do

The Writing Center is staffed by a diverse group of students and professionals from various disciplines. We provide a friendly and collaborative environment for writers of all levels and at any stage of the writing process. During a session, writers might work on the following:

  • brainstorming ideas
  • creating outlines
  • sharing a draft or partial draft
  • responding to professors’ comments
  • checking mechanics and grammar
  • citing sources
  • addressing writing challenges of multilingual writers
  • explaining cultural references for international students
  • helping future teachers prepare for the Praxis test

How We Do It

The Writing Center uses a non-directive method to collaborate with writers. We ask genuine questions and suggest techniques and methods for revising, rewriting, and polishing drafts.

Our approach is to empower writers to express their ideas in their own way.

What to Expect During a Visit

  • You will be greeted by a writing consultant.
  • The consultant will fill out a visit slip so the Center can keep track of visitors.
  • At the Center, you’re in charge of your conference, so let your consultant know what you want to work on.
  • Conferences can be anywhere from five minutes to an hour, depending on your needs. Independent work will be encouraged after an hour.
  • Lastly, you and the consultant will fill out a visit report by summarizing what was done during the session and what your next steps are. This summary is emailed to your professor, who will be glad to know you came by to work on your writing.