Cluster Majors

Innovative Cluster Learning enlivens every PSU major, including both traditional and cutting-edge academic disciplines. The following new programs were specifically designed to take advantage of Cluster’s Learning’s power and flexibility.


Climate Studies (Bachelor of Science)

Student using meteorology display

The most important issues of our time and the future.

Digital Music Production and Entrepreneurship (Bachelor of Arts)

Digital music production and entrepreneurship student singing into mic

For careers as creators and/or producers of digital music.

Forensic Science (Bachelor of Science) 

Forensic science students

A collaborative and adaptable program.

Game Design (Bachelor of Science)

Game design students and professor in class

Gain the skills for success in a rapidly advancing field.

Robotics (Bachelor of Science)

Robotics makerspace router

You’ve always wanted to be on the cutting edge.

Sustainability Studies (Bachelor of Arts)