Tackle “Wicked Problems” and Make a Real-World Difference

Squam Lake

You will begin to experience Cluster Learning right away through Tackling a Wicked Problem (TWP) courses. Your creativity and insights will be valued as you join other students from different majors, with different perspectives and skills, in team projects that aim to make a difference in the real world.

Plymouth H2O is a TWP course concerned with one of life’s essentials: drinkable water. “We try to look at water from the perspective of safety, supply, law, business, and art,” says Teaching Lecturer Megan Heidenreich. “I find that if students connect to the issue of drinking water personally, they create meaningful projects and learn a lot.”

Students connect to communities outside of their PSU classroom and have conducted research by hiking with environmental officials, meeting with elected representatives, organizing a trash pick-up, and partnering with an elementary school. “I’m fascinated by water and really like this class,” says Courtney Peabody ’25, who adds, “This project will look good on my résumé.”