Tutoring Information
The PASS Office provides several different kinds of tutoring – one-on-one, small group, drop-in study skills help, and more – and our services are available to all undergraduate students.
Our tutors are current undergraduate students, and our training program is certified through the College Reading and Learning Association’s International Tutor Training Program.
If you are in need of a tutor, please fill out our Application for Service and our Tutoring Agreement.
- Tutoring is an individual, student-directed mode of learning, provided on an on-demand basis
- The tutoring program is designed with 1000- and 2000-level courses in mind.
- Tutoring is not offered for writing. Writing assistance is available through the Writing Center in Lamson Library.
- Tutoring is open to all undergraduate students
- Students may only request a tutor for two classes per semester.
- All students qualify for one hour of tutoring per course per week. Students who qualify for our TRIO grant may receive additional hours.
- Tutoring is a service, not an accommodation.
- Tutoring does not guarantee a passing grade. Students are responsible for their own grades.
- Peer tutors provide academic support either individually or in small groups.
- Tutors encourage students to become independent learners by using active study strategies.
- Tutors work very hard to establish a positive learning environment for their peers.
- Tutoring is not a quick fix; rather, it is an additional academic commitment
If you experience academic difficulties, you are strongly encouraged to drop in to work with a study skills tutor who can help you refine and develop appropriate study techniques.
Study Skills Development covers such areas as:
- note-taking
- organization
- time management
- effective textbook reading
- test preparation
- assignment and syllabus interpretation review
- prioritizing assignments
- goal-setting
Stop by the PASS Office in Speare to work with a Study Skills tutor, or email the Associate Director (aricciardi@plymouth.edu) to learn more.
- Tutors are recruited through faculty recommendations. All tutors must have at least one faculty recommendation to be considered for hire.
- Tutors need to have a GPA of at least 3.0, and this must be maintained for every semester that a tutor works for The PASS Office.
- Tutors need to have earned an A or an A- in the course(s) for which they want to tutor.
- Drop by the PASS Office and talk to a tutor to find out more about our tutoring program. There is no better way to learn about tutoring.
- Fill out the Tutor Application and the Application for Services, and return them to the PASS Office.
- Include a non-official copy of your PSU transcript with your application
Application For Services
Tutoring Request
Interested In Becoming A Tutor?
Tutor Application
Current Tutors
Contact Us
Angela Ricciardi
(603) 535-2270