Gets Students Excited and Involved

Pacs student club Gets Students Excited and Involved

Lauren Klotz ’23 has always been shy and quiet, but she is blossoming into a campus leader who is creating opportunities. 

As president of the Plymouth Activities Council for students (PACs), Klotz is helping to nurture a welcoming and accepting campus environment by planning meaningful events that keep students engaged. “I am developing interpersonal skills and having real-world experiences,” she says. “I have created my own family through my campus involvement, and it has really helped me thoroughly enjoy and maximize my college experience.”  

Emma Monsante ’23, the PACs themes chair, also thoroughly appreciates the group: “I have grown in my communication skills, and the events we put on are fun and make students happy and excited to be here.” 

Building excitement and connections are key missions of PACs, says Interim Associate Director of Student Engagement Melina Baker ’21G, who supervises the student-led organization. Baker says there are 11 undergrads who oversee all aspects of the planning of campus events that take place all year round, from Welcome Week in the fall to a Spring Fling, which draws thousands in second semester. 

“They are a fantastic group of students who consistently impress me,” she says. “They’re making meaningful experiences for the campus community and providing a safe space for students to feel at home here.” 

As they manage all aspects of organizing each event, students are learning how to communicate, build relationships, budget, problem-solve, and stay versatile and adaptable. “As they get more involved, some realize this could be a career path for them,” Baker adds. 

Kaitlyn Chambers ’23, the group’s treasurer, says, “I have learned a lot about what kind of leader I want to be. Also, I am more confident in asking questions in the classroom setting.” 

Chambers loves the impact that PACs has on the entire campus community. “It is awesome to watch students get excited and involved in the events that we put on. We get to watch a lot of new friendships and personalities blossom,” she says. “It’s a truly wonderous thing to see.” 

The first PACs event of the 2022–23 school year began in late August. Welcome Week featured everything from free T-shirts and a Fish & Friends booth, at which students could adopt a goldfish in a bowl, to job and mental health resource fairs, and a picnic. A Casino Royale event will be held in November.  

Academics will be the focus for PACs in October, when students on the executive board will head to the National Association for Campus Activity conference to network, learn, and vie for awards. “The conference helps the students create meaningful connections and empowers them to amplify the campus experience,” Baker says. 

Before joining the PACs board last year, Klotz was not involved much at PSU, but since, she has made many connections that have led to other challenging opportunities. She is now the lead graphic designer for the Office of Student Life, for instance. “Not only does getting involved look great on a résumé, but it teaches you leadership and communication skills that can help you stand out from others when applying to jobs in the future,” she says. 

“I couldn’t be prouder of our PACs students for the fun and meaningful experiences they create, which certainly enhance the fabric of our community by cultivating so many connections across campus,” says Director of Student Life and Community Impact Jessica Dutille ’03, ’04MBA, ’20EdD. “Additionally, the leadership competencies they gain are invaluable for their professional and personal development. It is truly an honor to work alongside our PACs students.”
