Data Analytics (Minor)

Data Analytics (Minor)
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The data analytics minor program prepares students for an entry-level data analyst role and builds a strong foundation for other data-related careers. It also provides great tools to all students, regardless of their career path, as data analytics touches all disciplines. Students will learn working knowledge of essential data analytics tools such as spreadsheets, R, and SQL. No prior experience in coding is required. 

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

Course Title Credits
Level-1 - Choose one from:4
HIDI 1430
Making Sense of "Madness:" Diagnoses and Data (SSDI)
PODI 1045
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism (PPDI)
Level 2- Required Courses
DAT 3000Intro to Data Analytics (QRCO,TECO)4
DAT 3100Intermediate Data Analytics4
Level 3 - Choose one from:3-4
CJ 3260
Data Analysis for Criminal Justice (QRCO,TECO)
CS 3650
Big Data Administration and Analysis
DAT 3200
Building Predictive Web App
FIN 3100
Financial Analytics (QRCO,TECO)
MKT 3120
Marketing Research and Consumer Insights (QRCO)
ACC 4100
Accounting Info Systems and Analytics (QRCO,TECO)
PO 3125
Political Parties, Elections, and Interest Groups (TECO)
MGM 3190
Business Operations Analytics (QRCO)
MA 3280
Regression Analysis
Total Credits15-16
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