Marketing (Minor)

Marketing (Minor)
Marketing students

Marketers create and run promotional campaigns in traditional media (TV, print), new media (digital, social) and onsite/in store. Creating and nurturing a brand’s image is a critical function of marketing, as is managing the sales strategy and sales force. Marketers are heavily involved in consumer research, new product and service development, pricing, distribution, competitive intelligence, public relations and more.

Please see complete information on all of the requirements to earn a minor at Plymouth State University.

MARKETING, Minor (16 credits)

The Marketing minor is designed to provide non-marketing majors with a fundamental understanding of key marketing concepts, strategies, and tactics. The minor allows students to select from a wide range of marketing courses, allowing students to craft a plan of study best suited to their needs.

Course Title Credits
Minor Requirements - Level 1
BUS 1100Introduction to Marketing and Sales4
Minor Electives - Level 2
Choose two from the following:8
MKT 3120
Marketing Research and Consumer Insights (QRCO)
MKT 3130
Digital Marketing
MKT 3140
Creating Effective Marketing Content
MKT 4120
Impact Marketing
MKT 4230
Marketing Management
Minor Electives - Level 3
Choose one from the following:4
BUS 4620
Business Internship
ENT 3030
Social Entrepreneurship
MKT 3120
Marketing Research and Consumer Insights (QRCO)
MKT 3130
Digital Marketing
MKT 3140
Creating Effective Marketing Content
MKT 3210
Event Planning and Marketing
MKT 3230
Public Relations
MKT 3450
Sports Marketing and Sales
MKT 3500
Special Topics in Marketing
MKT 4120
Impact Marketing
MKT 4200
Advanced Digital and Social Media Marketing
MKT 4230
Marketing Management
MKT 4850
Plymouth Marketing and Design Agency
SAL 3280
Professional Selling Skills I
Total Credits16
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